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Лэнгбридж кидз
Билингвальный детский сад
+7 (987) 747-03-26

Bilingual Kindergarten Langbridge Kids

Welcome to LANGBRIDGE KIDS! It is the only bilingual preschool with native English-speaking teachers on staff in Nizhny Novgorod. We create a language environment welcoming kids of 2 and older to assimilate (we avoid the word “to learn” deliberately) the English language by an “immersing” method. We offer unique services for the price of a regular private preschool in Nizhny Novgorod.

Our concept

Compared to other private daycare and preschools “Langbridge KIDS” focuses mainly on intellectual development and speaking activities (in Russian and in a foreign language – in English). A huge number of research works proved that learning a second language from an early childhood develops cognitive skills and provides academic benefits not only in a linguistic area. These benefits refer to a high cognitive flexibility, a developed figurative thinking and, as some researchers say, better verbal skills to master a native language. To achieve this we invite native English-speaking professional teachers from UK and USA to join our team.

As you see below in details we also provide a full-day care program so that kids stay with us from 8.00 till 18.00.

What is also important is that our methods of teaching include a lot of playing, singing and story-telling activities. It helps to create a permanent engagement into a learning process in general and to keep it throughout kids’ lives. The programs offered are based mainly on Russian educational tutorials and the British EYFS standards. By providing a psychologically comfortable space we ensure an easy socializing process for every kid considering their particular qualities and with care for their particular needs.

We are happy and proud to provide you with:

  • no entrance fees
  • a team of professional English-speaking teachers on staff and English-speaking managers
  • everyday English classes with native speakers
  • five gradual programs for kids of the same age
  • small groups of no more than 12 kids. It helps to provide an individual approach and enough attention to every kid
  • a perfect schedule with two regular outdoor intervals of 1,5 hour in the morning and in the evening and also a daytime nap

We are happy and proud to provide you with:

  • A detached two-storeyed building. It is conveniently located in the central part of the city, but quite away from busy and noisy streets, on a high river bank in a green zone that provides an eco environment
  • The total area of the building is 1000 square meters of spacious and well-lit playing rooms, sleeping quarters and a separate sports/assembly hall
  • A big playing ground richly-equipped for games and other exciting activities

We take care of welfare and security of the kids:

  • Four meals a day. We provide a balanced healthy food based on a menu designed for kids. We use only organic products in our kitchen
  • A safe environment with a private guarded territory under 24-hour camera surveillance
  • A medical assistant monitors kids’ health with regular check-ups and disease data keeping
  • Due to Covid-19 extra sanitary measures are in action
  • A child psychologist monitors the atmosphere in each room helping kids to assimilate to a new environment and supporting them all along the way with regular group sessions
  • A speech therapist is available upon request

We ensure an overall educational process:

  • Our teachers provide you with regular reports and other professional feedback on your kid’s progress
  • A preparatory/pre-primary school program ensures a smooth transition to a primary school
  • The main educational program lasts from September all through May but we also provide an opportunity to keep on learning with our summer out-of-town holiday programs

We offer five full-day programs:

  • 1.5‒2 years old – nursery school and full-day care program
  • 3-4 years old – junior preschool and full-day care program
  • 4‒5 years old – middle preschool and full-day care program
  • 5‒6 years old – senior preschool and full-day care program
  • 6-7 years old – preparatory/pre-primary school and full-day care program

If you want to visit us for a tour, ask questions and meet the chief manager please leave us your contact details.

Tel / viber / whatsApp: +7 (987) 747-03-26

E-mail: langbridgenn@gmail.com

Nizhny Novgorod, Dalnyaya Street, 11